Teenage people look for various means by which they would be able to express themselves. Hair dyeing, wearing fashionable clothes or an earring are popular examples. Different from tattoos, all these changes are not permanent and might be changed without much trouble.
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Teenagers sometimes dream of having a real, huge tattoo. Nevertheless, the reality is that their parents often do not allow them for that. In fact, quite rightfully. Why? The pigment on the body cannot be easily erased. It is usually something which is going be visible on one’s skin for the entire life. What happens if after a few years it turns out it was not at all a good idea and the picture is dull, stupid and even unsightly? People at the age of 13 or 15 ought not to make any decisions that can have so long-lasting results. However, in chosen stores they can find an alternative called fake tattoos. In order to place them on the body, only a piece of moist cloth is needed. All that must be followed is to remove the film, put the tattoo smooth on the body and soak it with a wet material. After a few seconds, the paper is put aside and the picture is finished. It should stay on its place for a few days. Afterwards it can be erased with the use of baby oil or just water with soap (the latter method may require some rubbing). Many pictures for boys and girls are available: purely black, colourful or glitter.
Non-permanent tattoos are a good solution for teenagers.
Anyone will find a great pattern here and if one changes his mind, there is no problem – a different tattoo can be picked.
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It is not unhealthy, easily removable and the guardians do not have to worry.