Rendering a house is definitely an immense plan and you have to take into consideration many impacts, such as relevance, tone, texture, money spending and a lot of another.
And of course you must also be aware of the product longevity.
What silicone render is?
A silicone render is basic cover of plaster applied to a stone or a brick surface. Its main role is to protect and insulate external walls, with bringing them a nice look.
What are advantages of choosing silicone render?
Silicone technology provides a huge level of water repellency and this way substrate is able to breath. It’s quite important matter, if you worry about accumulation of dampness in interiors.
While using silicone render freshly looking is provided in prolonged period. With silicone, surface finish isn’t wet and , due to this, this it’s secured from algae growth and also the natural occurrence of lime blooming.
The other valuable pros of using silicone render is its low maintenance. It doesn’t have to be refresh every season and the material is quite cheap.
It’s also worth to mention that silicone provides natural looking finish. This may be valid if you are concerned about the way your house looks.
What is more an extensive range of colors that are avaliable on the market. The choice is various .
Silicone render vs. acrylic one
The main difference between silicone and acrylic renders is their water repellence. Silicone one is more resistant. What is more it is quite better in UV protection. Nonetheless they have the same level of flexibility and cost.